yesterday before we were going out to ayah g's place..we looked up at those beautiful clouds in the sky...ermm..tak tau nak relate cerita sebenar cam ne here..well..on i was going out to fetch kakyan from her office..received a bundle of letters which dicampak oleh the postman or a despatch guy on d grass...i saw few letters for kakyan and dikchik..chik dapat sweater that she bought thru myspace and the other one was from instinct strongly said that she got the offer...cud be they sending her all the brochures kan...i opened the envelope when i was driving and yeah!its the offer letter...she got in!congrats chik..hehe..according to the letter she have to report herself at MMU melaka campus on 7th june 2009.ermm..i called her to tell her the news coz she was in kota bharu with papa,mama and yana.
now its confirmed dat chik is going there..she'll be home for another 3 weeks je..damn la..feel so weak n sad typing all dis..cant believe dat chik is going away...sunyi la umah tu nanti..tak de sape dah nak bising2..buat bunyi yg annoying..buat bende2 sengal..n pape saje la yg mengarut...ermm..dah la..dunno wat else to say..nanti jd lg sedey..dis post mite have part juz wait la...
ahahaha.mmg sedeyh kannn?rindu la our story telling time.rindu semua la nanti.awak bosan2 datang la melaka.ajak meng.ahahahaa.gonna mishh u all laaa.dah la cik tak pernah duk jauh2 dr korang.sob sob.